Personal Computer.
Computers are tools used to process the data according to
the orders which have been formulated. Computer word originally used to
describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or
without the tools, but the meaning of this word is then transferred to the
machine itself. Origins, processing information almost exclusively related to
arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated
to mathematics.
Broadly, the computer can be defined as an electronic device
that consists of several components, which can cooperate between the components
with one another to produce a program and information based on existing data.
The computer components are included: Screen Monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse and
Printer (as a complement). Without a computer printer can still do its job as a
data processor, but not limited to the monitor screen looks in print form
In such a definition there is a tool like a slide rule,
mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on, until all
contemporary electronic computers. The term better suited for a broad sense as
"computer" is "that process information" or
"information processing systems."
Nowadays, computers are becoming more sophisticated.
However, before the computer is not small, sophisticated, cool and light now.
In the history of computers, there are 5 generations of computer history.
The first generation
With the onset of the Second World War , the countries
involved in the war sought to develop computers to exploit their potential
strategic computer . This increased funding for computer development and
accelerate technical progress. In 1941 , Konrad Zuse , a German engineer to
build a computer , the Z3 , to design airplanes and missiles .
Party allies also made other progress in the development
of computer power . In 1943, the British completed a secret code-breaking
computer called Colossus to decode secret German . The Colossus's impact
influenced the development of the computer industry because of two reasons .
First , Colossus is not a versatile computer (general - purpose computer ) , it
was only designed to decode secret messages . Second , the existence of the
machine was kept secret until decades after the war ended .
The work done by the Americans at that time produced a
broader achievement . Howard H. Aiken (1900-1973) , a Harvard engineer working
with IBM , succeeded in producing electronic calculators for the U.S. Navy .
The calculator is a length of half a football field and has a range of 500
miles along the cable . The Harvard - IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled
Calculator , or Mark I , an electronic relay computer . He uses electromagnetic
signals to move mechanical components . The machine was slow ( it takes 3-5 seconds
per calculation ) and inflexible ( order calculations can not be changed ) .
The calculator can perform basic arithmetic and more complex equations .
The development of the present day computer was the
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer ( ENIAC ) , which is created by
the cooperation between the U.S. government and the University of Pennsylvania
. Consisting of 18,000 vacuum tubes , 70,000 resistors and 5 million soldered
joints , the computer is a machine that consume enormous power of 160kW .
This computer was designed by John Presper Eckert
(1919-1995) and John W. Mauchly (1907-1980) , ENIAC is a versatile computer
(general purpose computer ) that work 1000 times faster than the Mark I.
In the mid -1940s , John von Neumann ( 1903-1957 ) joined
the University of Pennsylvania team , initiating concepts in computer design
that is up to 40 years is still used in computer engineering . Von Neumann
designed the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer ( EDVAC ) in 1945
with a memory to hold both programs and data. This technique allows the
computer to stop at some point and then resume her job back . Key to the von
Neumann architecture is a central processing unit ( CPU ) , which allowed all
computer functions to be coordinated through a single source . In 1951, the
UNIVAC I ( Universal Automatic Computer I) made by Remington Rand , became
the first commercial computer that utilizes a model of the Von Neumann
architecture .
Neither the U.S. Census Bureau and General Electric have
UNIVAC . One of the impressive results achieved by the UNIVAC dalah success in
predicting victory Dwilight D. Eisenhower in the 1952 presidential election .
First generation computers were characterized by the fact
that operating instructions were made specifically for a particular task . Each
computer has a different binary code program called " machine language
" ( machine language) . This causes the computer difficult to program and
the speed limit . Another feature is the use of first generation of computer vacuum
tube ( which makes the computer at that time very large ) and magnetic
cylinders for the storage of data .
The second generation
In 1948 , the invention of the transistor greatly influenced
the development of the computer . The transistor replaced the vacuum tube in
televisions , radios , and computers . As a result , the size of the electric
machines is reduced drastically .
The transistor used in computers began in 1956 . Another
invention is the development of magnetic-core memory is the development of
second generation computers smaller , faster , more reliable , and more energy
efficient than their predecessors . The first machine that utilizes this new
technology is the supercomputer . IBM makes supercomputer named Stretch , and
Sprery - Rand makes a computer named LARC . These computers , which was
developed for atomic energy laboratories , could handle large amounts of data ,
a capability much in demand by atomic scientists . The machine is very
expensive and tend to be too complex for business computing needs , thereby
limiting . There are only two LARC ever installed and used : one at the
Lawrence Radiation Labs in Livermore , California , and the other in the U.S.
Navy Research and Development Center in Washington, DC The second generation of
computers replacing machine language to assembly language . Assembly language
is a language that uses abbreviations to replace the binary code .
In the early 1960s , computers began to appear successful
second generation in the business, in universities , and in government . The
second generation of computers is a computer which used transistors . They also
have components that can be associated with the modern day computer : printers
, storage, disk , memory , operating system , and programs .
One important example is the computer at this time in 1401
that is widely accepted in the industry . In 1965 , almost all large businesses
use computers second generation to financial memprosesinformasi .
The program stored in the computer programming language that
is in it gives flexibility to the computer . Flexibility is increased
performance at a reasonable price for business use . With this concept , the
computer can print customer invoices and minutes later design products or
calculate paychecks . Some programming languages began to appear at that time
. Programming language Common Business - Oriented Language ( COBOL ) and
FORTRAN (Formula Translator ) came into common use . These languages replaced
cryptic binary machine code with words , sentences , and mathematical formulas
are more easily understood by humans . This makes it easy for someone to
program a computer . A wide variety of new careers (programmer , systems
analyst , and expert computer systems ) . Industr software also began to appear
and grow during this second -generation computer .
The third generation
Although the transistors in many respects the vacuum tube ,
but transistors generate considerable heat , which can potentially damage the
internal parts of the computer . Quartz stone ( quartz rock ) eliminates this
problem . Jack Kilby , an engineer at Texas Instruments, developed the
integrated circuit ( IC : integrated circuit) in 1958 . IC combined three
electronic components onto a small silicon disc, made from quartz sand .
Scientists later managed to fit more components into a single chip , called a
semiconductor . As a result, computers became ever smaller as more components
were squeezed onto the chip . Other third-generation development is the use of
the operating system (operating system ) which allows the engine to run many
different programs at once with a central program that monitored and
coordinated the computer's memory .
• The fourth generation
After IC , the only place to go was down the size of
circuits and electrical components . Large Scale Integration ( LSI ) could fit
hundreds of components on a chip . In the 1980s , Very Large Scale Integration
( VLSI ) contains thousands of components in a single chip .
Ultra - Large Scale Integration ( ULSI ) increased that
number into the millions . The ability to install so many components in a chip
that is half the coins berukurang encourage lower prices and the size of the
computer . It also increased their power, efficiency and reliability. Intel's
chips are made in the year 4004 1971membawa advances in IC by putting all the
components of a computer ( central processing unit , memory , and control input
/ output ) in a very small chip . Previously , the IC made to do a certain
task specific . Now , a microprocessor could be manufactured and then
programmed to meet all the requirements . Not long after , each household
devices such as microwave ovens, televisions , and cars with electronic fuel
injection ( EFI ) is equipped with a microprocessor .
Such developments allow ordinary people to use a regular
computer . The computer is no longer a dominance of large corporations or
government agencies . In the mid 1970s , computer assemblers offer their
computer products to the general public . These computers , called
minicomputers , sold with a software package that is easy to use by the layman
. The software is most popular when it was word processing and spreadsheets .
In the early 1980s , such as the Atari 2600 video game consumer interest in
home computers are more sophisticated and can be programmed .
In 1981 , IBM introduced the use of Personal Computer ( PC )
for use in homes , offices , and schools . The number of PCs in use jumped from
2 million units in 1981 to 5.5 million units in 1982 . Ten years later , 65
million PCs in use. Computers continued their trend toward a smaller size ,
from computers that are on the table ( desktop computer ) to a computer that
can be inserted into the bag ( laptop ) , or even a computer that can be hand
held ( palmtop ) .
IBM PC to compete with Apple's Macintosh line, introduced in
. Apple Macintosh became famous for popularizing the computer graphics system ,
while his rival was still using a text-based computer . Macintosh also
popularized the use of mouse devices .
At the present time , we know the journey IBM compatible
with the use of the CPU : IBM PC/486 , Pentium , Pentium II , Pentium III ,
Pentium IV ( series of CPUs made by Intel ) . Also we know AMD K6 , Athlon ,
etc. . This is all included in the class of fourth generation computers .
Along with the proliferation of computer usage in the
workplace , new ways to explore the potential to be developed . Along with the
increased strength of a small computer , these computers can be connected
together in a network to share a memory , software, information , and also to
be able to communicate with each other. The computer network allows a single
computer to establish electronic collaboration to complete a task process . By
using the direct cabling (also called a Local Area Network or LAN ) , or [
telephone cable , the network can be very large .
• The fifth generation
Defining the fifth generation computer becomes quite
difficult because this stage is still very young . Examples imaginative fifth
generation computer is the fictional HAL9000 computer from the novel by Arthur
C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey . HAL displays all the desired functionality
of a fifth generation computers . With artificial intelligence (artificial
intelligence or AI ) , HAL may have enough reason to hold conversations with
humans , using visual input , and learn from his own experience .
Although it may be the realization of HAL9000 is still far
from reality , many of the functions that had been established . Some computers
can receive verbal instructions and imitate human reasoning . The ability to
translate a foreign language also becomes possible . The facility is
deceptively simple . However, such facilities become much more complicated than
expected when programmers realized that human understanding relies heavily on
context and meaning rather than just translate the words directly .
Many advances in the field of computer design and technology
are increasingly enabling the manufacture of fifth generation computers . Two
such engineering advances are parallel processing capabilities , which will
replace the non-Neumann model . Non Neumann model will be replaced with a
system that is able to coordinate many CPUs to work in unison . Another advance
is superconductor technology, which allows the flow of electricity with no
resistance, which in turn can accelerate the speed of information .
Japan is a country well known in some attributes of fifth
generation computers . Institutions ICOT ( Institute for new Computer
Technology ) was also set up to make it happen . Many news stating that the
project has failed , but some other information that the success of this fifth
generation computer project will bring new changes to the paradigm of
computerization in the world .
teknlogi 1G - 4G
The development of communication technology in the world has
been growing very rapidly . Start of 0G , continues to 0.5g , 1G , 1.5G , until
now used is 2G and 3G . To see what it actually predecessor technologies 2G and
3G , then let us discuss each one . However, before starting the discussion ,
it should be noted that the discussion provided here is not entirely complete ,
since this paper are the only 2G and 3G technology .
• 0G , 0.5g ( Zero Generation )
0G technology is a communication technology that initiate
the formation of the next generation of telecommunications . Actually, at the
beginning of this technology is found not to be named with technology 0G ( Zero
Generation ) . The beginning of this technology are named with a mobile radio
telephone ( mobile telephone radio ) .
This technology uses radio -based network ( radiotelephone )
- specific , which means separate and closed off from other similar networks -
as well as the limited network coverage . Even so , the network is able to
connect to the telephone network today. Some of the many telecommunications
standard used by this generation are :
PTT ( Push - to-Talk or Press - to- Transmit )
Is a communication network technology that uses half-duplex
method ( which is similar to a walkie- talkie , only this technology is
connected with the cellular network ) used to communicate . Until today PTT is
implemented on the cellular network , but nothing to Indonesian carriers that
support this technology .
MTS ( Mobile Telephone System )
Is a half-duplex radiotelephone technology that is
cultivated by the Bell System and the first time in St. implemetasikan . Louis
on June 17, 1946 . At first there were only 3 channels of communication , then
increased to 32 channels with 3 frequencies to serve all customers .
Kekurangnnya handset is its weight reaches 80 pounds or 29 kg , and a network
that is confined to the urban areas alone . In the 1980s , this technology has
not been used in America .
IMTS ( Improved Mobile Telephone Service )
Is a full-duplex radiotelephone technology that uses wave
Low VHF ( 35-44 MHz , 9 channels ) , High VHF ( 152-158 MHz , 11 channels ) ,
and UHF ( 454-460 MHz , 12 channels ) . Introduced in 1969 as a substitute for
MTS technology .
AMTS ( Advanced Mobile Telephone System )
OLT ( Offentlig Landmobil Telephony or Public Land Mobile
Telephony )
MTD ( Mobilelefonisystem Mobile telephony system D or D )
Autotel / PALM ( Automated Public Land Mobile )
ARP ( Autoradiopuhelin or car radio phone )
B - Netz
In 0G generation , mobile phone systems ( mobile telephone )
can be distinguished from early radio telephone system ( mobile radio telephone
) . The difference is in the mobile telephone system for communication should
be through commercial services Public Switched Telephone Network ( PSTN ),
which serves as the operator to direct the call . While the system does not
need a radio telephone network , because of direct communication between the
sender and the recipient of the call through a closed network . Radiotelephone
communications systems commonly applied to the initial police radio network or
a taxi . Radio telephone system is known by the trade name WCCs ( Wireline
Common Carriers , AKA telephone companies ) , RCCs ( Radio Common Carriers ) ,
and two-way radio dealers .
Mobile phone system ( mobile telephone ) is generally
installed in a car or truck , also some are shaped like a briefcase . Usually ,
the components of the transmitter and receiver or transceiver ( transmitter -
receiver ) mounted in the trunk of the vehicle and connected to the " head
" ( dial , display , and handset ) is located near the driver's seat .
Table 1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology 0G , 0.5g
Advantages Disadvantages
Could serve only voice communications and an early
technology of mobile communication ( mobile ) are implemented and
commercialized method of transmission is half-duplex , although the development
of supporting full - duplex
Limited number of subscriber
Limited reach of its network
Does not support data communications
• 1G , 1.5G ( First Generation )
1G technology is a first -generation wireless technologies
such as cellular telephone ( cellphone , there is also a mobile phone call ) .
This technology is the standard for analog cellular phones were introduced
around the 1980s . Communication tool in the generation of this technology was
originally used for military purposes , but in its development the general
public who use this communication technology .
Communication techniques used in this generation is a
Frequency Division Multiple Access ( FDMA ) . This technique allows the sharing
of frequency allocation on a cell to use all existing customers in these cells
, meant for each customer while talks will have its own distinct frequency with
the frequency of other customers in the same cell . This principle is similar
to the workings of a radio station that broadcast each use a different
frequency from one station to another station ) . Most of the many
telecommunications standard 1G include :
NMT ( Nordisk MobilTelefoni or Nordic Mobile Telephony )
1G technology is evolving around the 1980's that are still
in operation in 30 countries in Europe generally . This technology consists of
NMT450 ( Nordic Mobile Telephones/450 ) developed by Ericsson and Nokia in 1981
that operates at 450 MHz using the system FDD ( Frequency Division Duplex )
based FDMA . Then NMT - F which is the French version of NMT900 introduced in
1986 that operates at 900 MHz .
AMPS ( Advanced Mobile Phone System ) or IS - 136
1G is a technology developed by Bell Labs circa 1970 , used
in the United States and no longer in use around 2000 . This technology uses a
frequency of 800 MHz Cellular FM band , how this technology works similar to
the existing technology at IMTS 0G .
CDPD ( Cellular Digital Packet Data )
1G technology was introduced in 1992 . Technology that
operates at a frequency of 800 MHz and 900 MHz this gives the ability to
D-AMPS/AMPS technology for voice and data communications networks to use
channel up speed of 19.2 Kbps . As data packets on the network , this
technology can run applications Internet Protocol ( IP ) and also acts as an
extension of the internet where users can find online continuously. Then in May
2000 AT & T introduced a service that is PocketNet HDML mobile internet applications
( similar to the WAP ) using CDPD . Handsets that support this service then
created with the ability to transfer data , voice , and mobile internet . CDPD
is a byproduct of the AMPS technology for data services only, but does not grow
because it is expensive and fails to compete .
Table 2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology 1G , 1.5G
Advantages Disadvantages
Serving voice and data communications can not serve small
data communication in high speed and large
Small traffic capacity
The number of customers that can be accommodated in one cell
Wasteful use of the frequency spectrum for the user to use a
single frequency channel
Intemodulasi noise ( the sound is not clear )
• 2G ( Second Generation )
2G is a second -generation communication technologies that
emerge as the market demands and the need for better quality . Generation 2G
already using digital technology , as well as the mechanisms of Time Division
Multiple Access ( TDMA ) and Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) communication
techniques .
2G standard technologies based on TDMA is :
D - AMPS ( Digital AMPS ) or IS - 54 or IS - 136 in the
United States and Canada
Is TDMA -based 2G technology which is the development of the
AMPS ( Advanced Mobile Phone System ) . Be operating at a frequency of :
1 . 800 MHz ( based on the IS - 54 standard , the frequency
range 824-849 MHz and 869-894 MHz )
2 . 1900 MHz ( based on the IS - 136 standard for dual- band
support 800 MHz and 1900 MHz )
D - AMPS is a digital mobile phone already , but the network
still supports analog AMPS network .
GSM ( Global System for Mobile Communications ) in Europe
and Asia
2G TDMA -based technology is being developed by the study
group called the Groupe Special Mobile ( GSM ) to study and develop a public
telecommunication system in Europe . In 1989 , this task is left to the
European Telecommunication Standards Institute ( ETSI ) and the GSM Phase I
launched in mid- 1991.
The reason for the emergence of GSM with the requirements of
the new network system that can be applicable networking standards and can be
applied throughout the European region . In the new system there should also be
the ability to anticipate the user mobility and the ability to serve more users
to accommodate the addition of new users .
GSM network is the most widely used network in the world ,
in 1993 , there were 36 GSM networks in 22 countries , and the end of 1993 to
48 countries with 70 operators and customers amounted to 1 billion . GSM is now
used in 212 countries by the number of subscribers reached 2 billion worldwide
GSM also supports 14.4 Kbps speed data communication ( just
enough to serve SMS , download an image , or a ringtone MIDI only ) .
Table 3 Frequencies Used By Network GSM ( ETS By 05:05 )
System Frequency ( MHz ) Uplink Frequency ( MHz ) Downlink
Frequency (MHz) Channel
GSM 400 450 450,4-457,6 460,4-467,6 259-293
GSM 400 480 478,8-486,0 488,8-496,0 306-340
GSM 850 850 824,0-849,0 869,0-894,0 128-251
900 GSM ( P - GSM ) 900 890.0 to 915.0 935.0 to 960.0 1-124
900 GSM ( E - GSM ) 900 and 880.0 to 915.0 925.0 to 960.0
0-124 975-1023
GSM - R ( GSM - R ) from 876.0 to 880.0 921.0 to 925.0
955-973 900
DCS 1800 1800 1710.0 to 1785.0 from 1805.0 to 1880.0 512-885
PCS 1900 1900 1850.0 to 1910.0 from 1930.0 to 1990.0 512-810
The term other than GSM in some countries :
1 . A1 - Net ( GSM 900 MHz ) in Austria
2 . E - Netz (GSM 1800 MHz ) in Germany
3 . DCS ( Digital Communications Systems ) in the United
4 . PCS ( Personal Communications Service) in the United
States (similar NCDMA standard and GSM 1900 networks operating at frequencies
1850 to 1990 MHz )
PDC ( Personal Digital Celluler ) in Japan
Is TDMA -based 2G technology which was first launched in
March 1993 . Is a telecommunications network based on TDMA developed Japan and
applies only in Japan alone . Basic technology is the same as GSM . Operated by
NTT DoCoMo on the frequency :
1 . 800 MHz ( downlink 810-888 MHz , 893-958 MHz uplink )
2 . 1500 MHz ( downlink 1477-1501 MHz , 1429-1453 MHz uplink
with customer needs. RACE (Research and Technology
Development in Advanced Communications Technologies in Europe) has developed
two types of multiple access, CDMA and TDMA ie, from both of these to be used
has not been decided.
W-CDMA has been in implentasikan in Japan, Europe, and Asia,
and will be developed in 55 countries in 2006. UMTS frequency different
1. Asian and European (mostly) at a frequency of 2100 MHz
(downlink) and 1900 MHz (uplink)
2. United States (by AT & T Mobility) at a frequency of
1900 MHz MHz/850.
3. America at a frequency of 2100 MHz (downlink) 1700 MHz
4. Europe at a frequency of 900 MHz.
5. Australia and Japan at a frequency of 800 MHz.
CDMA2000-1x EV / DV (Evolution / Data / Voice) and
CDMA2000-1x EV-DO (Data Only / Data Optimized) or IS-856
3G technology is supported by the North American CDMA
community, led by the CDG (CDMA Development Group). CDMA2000-1x EV (Evolution)
and CDMA2000 1x-EV-DO technology is the development of CDMA2000-1x or CDMA2000
Release 0/RTT (2.5G). At first CDMA2000-1x EV-DO (Revision 0) can only send
data up to 2.4 Mbps, but then evolved so CDMA2000-1x-EV-DO (data only) have
speed like the chart below.
Table 7 Distribution of CDMA2000-1x Speed
Speed Supported Applications
CDMA2000-1x EV-DO Revision A (T-1 speeds) from 2.45 to 3.1
Mbps Video conferencing
CDMA2000-1x EV-DO Revision B average 300 Kbps, 73.5 Mbps
maximum data transmission
CDMA2000 1x EV-DV-average 300 Kbps, 3.09 Mbps maximum
integration of voice and multimedia services of high speed packet data
CDMA2000-1x EV-DO Revision C or UMB (Ultra Mobile Broadband)
A maximum of 280 Mbps at peak condition, 275 Mbps downstream, 75 Mbps upstream
(so it can be categorized in 4G) Voice over IP (VoIP), multimedia, broadband,
information, entertainment , commercial electronic services, and supports full
wireless network services in a mobile environment (thus the same as Wi-Fi,
WiMAX, and UWB)
TD-CDMA (Time Division Code Division Multiple Access) or
UMTS-TDD (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System Time Division Duplexing-)
in Europe
3G data network technology is built on a standard mobile
phone networks UMTS / WCDMA in which both the UMTS / WCDMA and TD-CDMA/UMTS-TDD
not support each other because of differences in the workings, design,
technology and frequencies used. In Europe the frequency used UMTS-TDD is on
2010-2020 MHz which can transfer data at a speed of 16 Mbps (when the maximum
speed downlink and uplink).
GAN (Generic Access Network) or UMA (Unlicensed Mobile
3G technology is intended to allow roaming to
telecommunications systems and can handle a LAN (WLAN) and wireless WAN phone
simultaneously (adopted by 3GPP).
HSPA (High-Speed Packet Access)
3G technology is the technology of which is the union of the
previous protocol of mobile technology, thus expanding and adding capabilities
(especially in terms of data transfer rate) of the UMTS protocols that have
been there before. Because of differences in Traffic (downlink and uplink) the
HSPA standard is divided into 2, namely:
1. HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access)
An HSPA standard with the capability of its transfer speed
downlink (from the network to the handset), which can reach speeds of HSDPA 7.2
Mbps downlink and in theory can ditinggkatkan up to 14.4 Mbps with a maximum
speed of 384 kbps uplink. HSDPA but can be used by mobile phones but can also
be used by the notebook to access the data at high speed.
2. HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access)
An HSPA standard with the capability of its uplink transfer
speed (from the handset to the network), which can reach speeds HSUPA uplink
speeds theoretically up to 5.76 Mbps, but this does not implentasikan HSUPA
(commercialized) and its handsets are not made.
HSPA + (HSPA Evolution)
3G technology is HSPA dikembangankan. This technology has a
data transfer rate up to 42 Mbps on the downlink and 11 Mbps on the uplink.
FOMA (Freedom of Mobile Multimedia Access)
Technology is the world's first 3G WCDMA mengimplentasikan.
FOMA 3G service by naming an operator NTT DoCoMo in Japan.
HSOPA (High Speed OFDM Packet Access)
3G technology is primarily dikembangankan of UMTS antenna
technology that uses OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) and MIMO
(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output). HSOPA also known as Super 3G can download
data transfer speeds up to 100 Mbps in the downlink and 50 Mbps on the uplink.
TD-SCDMA (Time Division Synchronous Code Division Multiple
3G technology is still being developed China by CATT
(Chinese Academy of Telecommunications Technology), Come, and Siemens AG on a
proposal from the group CWTS (China Wireless Telecommunication Standards) to
the ITU in 1999. The technology was developed to eliminate the dependence on western
technology, but lacking much in demand by operators in Asia because the
equipment requires a completely new and can not use the previous technology
(CDMA2000-1x). TD-SCDMA uses 2010-2025 MHz frequency, with data transfer speeds
of 9.6 Kbps to 2048 Kbps.
Table 8 Advantages and Disadvantages of 3G technology, 3.5G,
Advantages Disadvantages
Has a fast data transfer speeds (144 Kbps-2 Mbps); 2 Mbps
for local / indoor / slow-moving access; 384 Kbps for wide area access control
Requires power "ideal"
Broadband data services such as Internet, video
conferencing, video streaming, video on demand, music on demand, games on
demand are inadequate data transfer speed in serving multimedia services that
require a qualified speed
The sound quality is better
Security is assured
Support multiple simultaneous connections (users can browse
the Internet simultaneously by passing the call)
Shared infrastructure can support many operators in the same
Interconnect to other mobile and fixed users
National and international roaming
Can handle packet-and circuit-switched service, including
internet (IP) and video conferencing, is also high data rate communication
services of data transmission and asymmetric
Efiensi good spectrum, so as to utilize the maximum
bandwidth is limited
Support for multiple cell layers
Co-existance and interconnection with satellite-based
The new billing mechanism depends on the volume of data,
quality of service, and time
• 3.5G, 3.75G (Third and A Half Generation)
3.5G or 3G is also known as Beyond 3G technology
improvement, especially in improving data transfer speeds over 3G technology
(above 2 Mbps) so that it can serve multimedia communications such as Internet
access and video sharing. Included in this technology are:
HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access)
Are the 3.5G technology which is the evolution of Ericsson's
WCDMA. HSDPA is an additional protocol to the system WCDMA (Wideband CDMA),
which is capable of transmitting high-speed data.
The first phase of HSDPA 4.1 Mbps capacity. Then followed a
second phase with a capacity of 11 Mbps and maximum capacities downlink peak
data rate of up to 14 Mbps.
HSDPA network speed in a residential area can perform data
download speed 3.7 Mbps. A person who was driving on the motorway speed of 100
km / h can access the internet speed of 1.2 Mbps. Meanwhile, users in an office
environment that is solid still can enjoy streaming video despite only gaining
300 Kbps.
The advantages of HSDPA is to reduce the delay (delay) and
provide a faster response when the user uses an interactive application such as
a mobile office or high-speed internet access, which can be accompanied by a
gaming facility or downloaded audio and video. Another advantage of HSDPA, increase
system capacity without requiring additional frequency spectrum, so it would
reduce the cost of mobile data services significantly.
WiBro (Wireless Broadband)
Are the 3.5G technology that Samsung developed jointly by
ETRI (Electronics and Technology Research Institute) and has been certified by
the WiMAX Forum. WiBro is part of the policy of South Korea's information
technology policy, known as 839. WiBro is able to transmit data at speeds up to
50 Mbps. The data transfer speed of HSDPA platform is able to surpass the speed
of the speed up to 14 Mbps.
• 4G (Forth Generation)
4G technology (also known as Beyond 3G) communication
technology is a term used to describe the next evolution in wireless
communications. According to the 4G working group (working groups 4G),
infrastructure and terminals used 4G will have almost all the standards from 2G
to 3G applied. 4G systems will also act as an open platform where the new
innovations can flourish. 4G technology will be able to provide Internet
Protocol (IP) Comprehensive where voice, data and streamed multimedia can be
given to the users "anytime, anywhere", and the data transmission
rate is higher than the previous generation.
Many companies already define their own meaning of the 4G to
declare that they already have 4G, WiMAX launch such an experiment, and even
some other company that says it's made a prototype system called 4G. Although
it may be some technology that comes now this can be a part of 4G, until the 4G
standard has been defined, it is impossible for any company today is in
providing certainty wireless solutions that can be called 4G mobile network in
accordance with the appropriate international standards for 4G. Things like
that are messed statement about the "existence" of 4G services so that
investors and analysts tend to confuse the wireless industry. Most of the
standards that prepare the way for 4G technologies include:
UMTS Revision 8 LTE or 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership
Project Long Term Evolution)
4G technology is still under development by the 3GPP (Third
Generation Partnership Project). This technology is planned to have an average
download speed of 100 Mbps and an average upload speed of 50 Mbps, so it
supports all network-based Internet Protocol (IP).
WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)
4G is the technology that has the ability to transfer data
wirelessly remote, also point to point access to support full access mobile
phone (mobile phone), so it can be an alternative to wired broadband networks
and DSL. In WiMAX applications using frequencies ranging from 3.3 GHz, 3.5 GHz,
2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz, and 5 GHz (depending on frequency regulation of each
country). WiMAX can theoretically transmit data up to 70 Mbps speed within 48
Km, but in prateknya WiMAX is only able to transmit data at a speed of 10 Mbps
within a distance of 10 Km for interference-free area (suburbs) and 10 Mbps
within a distance of 2 km for urban areas (urban).
UMB (Ultra Mobile Broadband) or CDMA2000-1x EV-DO Revision C
Table 9 Advantages of 4G Technology
Supports interactive multimedia services, teleconferencing,
wireless intenet
Large bandwidth to support multimedia service
Bit rates greater than 3G
Global mobility (scalability for mobile networks), service
portability, low-cost service (low cost up to 100 Mbps)
Fully for packet-switched networks
Network security is a powerful data
Broadband Technology
Broadband technology is generally defined as a network or
the Internet service that has a high transfer speed for large data path width.
Although the data lines provided to its very wide, broadband technology is
usually split lanes wide with surrounding users. But if no one is using, the
user will use the fully broadband.
Broadband or wideband technology is one technology that
supports media transminsi many frequencies, ranging from the frequency of the
sound to the video. This technology can carry multiple signals by dividing the
capacity (very large) in a channel bandwidth. Each channel operates at a
specific frequency. Simply put, the term broadband technology is used to
describe a connection speed of 500 Kbps or more. But the FCC defines broadband
with a minimum speed of 200 Kbps. There are two common types of broadband, DSL
and cable modems ie, capable of transferring 512 Kbps or more, roughly 9 times
faster than modems that use a standard telephone cable. Currently, the
broadband wireless technology is the ultimate goal of the evolution of
telecommunication technology.
What is offered by broadband service? Of course, high-speed
data access multimedia services in the form of images, audio, and video,
including video streaming, video downloading, video telephony, and video
messaging. Through devices that support this technology, users can also access
mobile TV entertainment and download music, and perform real-time communication
using fixed-mobile technology, such as a webcam through a mobile phone.
Broadband is a high speed connection that allows fast access
to the Internet and always-connected or "always on". If traced back,
the history of the discovery of mobile broadband from a fiber optic cable in
1950, where previously the needs of data communication in high speed is not
required. Only in the 1990s appeared a great need to transfer high-speed data
and broadband era began. At that time, the flagship over fiber optic cable.
In 1999, the development of large capacity and data transfer
speed is more often used, especially with the rise of cable TV service which
requires a cable modem. At that time, no less than 1.5 million cable TV
subscribers increasingly animate a new era, broadband. However, because the
fiber optic cable is quite expensive, the development of broadband may be
relatively slow, and the user is limited.
Later, though cable TV has been a lot of customers, more
development is triggered by the advent of technology ADSL (asymmetric digital
subscriber line). ADSL could miss the millions of bits of information in a
matter of seconds on the regular telephone network. ADSL broadband works on two
speeds, receive and send data, so it is suitable for browsing and sending or
receiving e-mail. Data transmission speed, slower than receiving data. ADSL
standards receive data or information on speed 2 Mbps (35 times faster than a
standard modem) and send data at speeds of 256 Kbps (five times faster).
However, broadband capacity generally ranges between 256 Kbps and 10 Mbps.
In addition to ADSL, SHDSL Broadband exist (symmetric high
bit rate DSL), which is able to send and receive data at the same speed, which
is up to 2 Mbps. Therefore, SHDSL is suitable for a variety of businesses that
require large amounts of data and high speed, such as sending and receiving
e-mails with large attachments, audio and video files. Broadband is
increasingly showing rapid development. By the end of 2004 the number of
subscribers has reached 140 million and growing very fast.
Research Yankee Group estimates that in 2008 there will be
325 million next customer. Therefore, broadband is arguably the fastest growing
technology in history. If the mobile phone (mobile phone) takes 5.5 years to
grow from 10 million to 100 million users worldwide, the broadband achieve in
just 3.5 years.
Rapid growth is largely driven by developments in the Asia
Pacific region, particularly Japan and South Korea. With a population of 48.6
million people, where 10 million people live in Seoul, Korea in 2004 Internet
users has reached 35.7 million. At the same time, of that amount, 84 percent
(30 million) are broadband subscribers, either using a DSL or cable modem. In
2008, Korea is targeting to achieve 100% broadband customers.
On the other hand, although may use a variety of
technologies, but the operator can not provide all types of technology, and on
the contrary there is no one technology for all purposes of broadband services.
A wide variety of choices and business aspects that are based on developmental
needs, so as to provide optimal results, both in service and business
acquisition, should be considered forward strategically.
Future developments, it seems no longer stuck in contrasting
between DSL vs. cable modem or fixed-line vs. wireless. Although the
development of wireless 3G or 4G service to the equally thrill. This time
forward, it seems there will be plenty of options, ranging from wired
connection to wireless, ranging from ADSL, ADSL2 +, VDSL, VDSL2, Ethernet, up
to Wi-Fi, 802.16 (WiMAX), and FTTH (fiber-to-the-home ) or FTTB (fiber-to-the-building).
Later, it will also evolve MBWA (Mobile Broadband Wireless Access). Hybrid
approach, which combines several capabilities, by John Giametto, President of
Nortel Networks Asia, referred to as "ultrabroadband". This is a logical
approach to serving the diverse needs of the broadband. Ultrabroadband refers
to various combinations of the needs of service providers.
For countries such as Indonesia and Thailand, building
wiring is not only difficult, but also expensive, alternative wireless becomes
more logical. This is evidenced by the effort to hold Telkom ADSL services with
brand TelkomLink Multi Media Access (MMA). Later Telkom Speedy also appeared
with the product.
As another example, India. In the land of Bollywood, there
are 40 million landlines and about 4 million computers. With a market where
every house that has only one-tenth phones have a PC, then you should not
develop high-speed Internet access, but directly develop video services,
because almost every house must have a TV. Therefore, the development of
broadband should support the so-called value-added broadband, which is able to
provide a new experience as easy as a simple turn on the TV, regardless of the
device used.
However, the challenge does not stop there, because to provide
such services, which means it requires multi-access technology, required a high
level of interoperability, making it easier for network management and
customers. Another challenge is how operators can cooperate with a number of
content providers and services to further enrich its content.
The challenge to provide broadband services based on the
customer, thus, should be pursued. Flagship, this time, of course, not only in
wired networks, but also wireless. However, in the future there are at least some
prospective technology for it, which is regarded as the next step of
development of broadband technology, among others: Metro Ethernet, VDSL / ADSL
2 +, FTTH, IP Wireless, CDMA 1x EV-DO and WiMAX.
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